Monday, December 21, 2009

the bank

I just recieved an automated telephone call from my bank saying they've put a temporary hold on my bank card because of 'suspicious activity.' I thought it would've been just routine since i was out of town. Turns out someone tried to make an online purchase with my card for $927....for COMICS!! What The.... now i hate comics even more.

But now i'm a bit paranoid...are 'you' watching me right now??? reading my blogs...and stealing my bank information??? WHO ARE YOU! I can't take this anymore.

Listen to me people! Save Yourselves! Go cut up your bank cards, withdraw all your money from the bank, buy a safe (or hide it in your matresses), and while your out buy a shotgun.

it's the only way.

1 comment:

  1. Comics aren't so bad. You would really love American Splendor, or really hate it. Either way, you'd feel something. Or Jeffrey Brown's stuff. Maybe you wouldn't like it, and that's ok. But don't judge the genre based the reader. That kind of reasoning is only good for music ;)
