Saturday, January 2, 2010

It's The Hard Knock Life For ME.

well, 2010 started with a bang...literally.

i wasn't home when 'the incident' occurred though, i don't believe anyone was.

i guess i should just tell you what's going on...

my house got shot up.


ok ok. no, not seriously, but one of our sliding glass doors is all cracked because it got something. haha.

it obviously was a bullet but we can't find anything around.
maybe it was a sniper with high tech bullets that disintegrate once they impact, to avoid detection or tracing. yeah, i'm sure that's it. that sliding glass door has been getting out of line recently and i warned it that there would be reprucusions for its actions. it's just sad to see it end this way.

this is quite amusing, and i'm totally gonna play this out till it gets old.

i live in the ghetto.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Wow - that's crazy. At lease no one was home at the time. Reminds us of the time period in which we live.

    But at least you have a good story to tell. Not everyone can say that their house has been shot at (yet). Oh, and please don't warn that I'm getting out line about anything. At least, not unless I'm in a bunker somewhere.

  3. Oh...and that looks bad with my first comment (haha) - I couldn't take how many spelling errors I had made.

    Or, maybe it's better to have it remain so mysterious as to why I deleted it...
